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About Us

Who is Mission Lamb?

I want you to meet the Azevedo Family.  They are the love, passion, and faces behind Mission Lamb.

Grant and Shurina Azevedo are the first generation ranchers with their 2 boys, Keegan and Eli that own Mission Lamb.   They have a passion for raising a family in a lifestyle that is slowing dying.  



The Story Behind Mission Lamb

What started as a commercial sheep herd has grown into so much more.  As first generation ranchers we are always faced with new challenges and ways to make a go at this.  Our friends over at Anderson Cattle Company began selling Ranch Direct Beef in 2019.  After much discussion we decided to offer lamb alongside their beef.  And so we have Mission Lamb.


What Does Mission Lamb Offer?

Mission Lamb will be offering Ranch Direct Lamb right to your door.  We can ship to the lower 48 states, offer a free local pick-up, 10-15 pound lamb boxes, whole an half lambs along with individual cuts at farmers markets and pop up events.

How is the lamb raised?

These lambs are raised in the mountains and valley of California.  They are all natural, hormone and antibiotic free and finished on a grass and grain diet.  Careful detail to feed, care, quality and optimum harvesting age has all been paid attention too.  And the best part- raised and grown right here in the USA and harvested under USDA guidelines.  Did you know most lamb you buy in the grocery store is imported? 



How Do I Order Mission Lamb?

Ordering is SIMPLE!!! You can order right here on this website!!!   Enjoy all the best cuts like lamb chops, steaks, ground, leg of lamb.  We are also offering whole and half lamb purchases too!!!  All lamb will ship overnight to your door. It is shipped in a 48 hour insulated liner on dry ice.


How can I follow Mission Lamb?

 Check them out on Facebook and Instagram to see how their operation works and those cute cowboys that help with all the sheep things!!!